
History of the Peloponnesian War - Thucydides Illustrated Essay

YU 1
Agnes Yu 

Period 7 

World History

01 / 30 / 15

The greatnesses of Athens
                First of all, the big idea is about the government and how efficient the system was 

because the government brought Athens a good reputation of living, and they were the first city 

which has democracy. Secondly, the author focuses on the spirit in which they lived that is how 

they lived with freedom while following the laws and showing appropriate behaviors. For the 

last idea, it is one of the most important reasons why Athens could be great and bring the amount 

of effects to the world, because they opened to the world and have been a great model to other 

cities. In the History Of the Peloponnesian War, Thucydides gave the amount of evidence in the 

Pericles' Funeral Oration to prove how Athens was great in its government and their way of life.

  The ancestors have given the new generation of Athens a free country. The offsprings 

would have a lot of spaces to create their own governmental systems and laws to make Athens a 

better place to live. Also, Athens was the only city which has democracy, which means the 

control of the city is not only in the hands of government but also the educated citizens. "I 

shall begin by speaking about our ancestors … by their courage and their virtues, have handed it 

on to us, a free country” (Thucydides, 144, 36, 5-6). The ancestors provided the new generation a 

free system of living, it supports the idea that if the city has a lot of freedom, they could build 
their own government and laws, and that is how democracy works, the educated citizens and 
only (men) could have power to give their own opinions on how the government is going to 
work. But this is enough, because at least the government allowed the people outside of it to 

bring their point of view. "And then we ourselves … added to the power of our empire and have 

organized our State in such a way that it is perfectly well able to look after itself both in peace 

and in war”. (Thucydides, 145, 36, 10-13) One thinks that on this is the laws and rules organized 

Athens greatly and made them as strong as an unit that sticks together. To be more specific, what 

the government did to Athens actually raise them well and let them became an independent city, 

thus what Thucydides trying to say is that the city was strong enough to take a good care of 

itself, when there is no war, the city brought the citizens a peaceful environment to live, when 

there is a war, they city was capable to protect the Athenians. This is how Thucydides showed the 

readers a great and well-grown Athens, the symbol of grandeur. Thucydides said: “Our 

constitution is called a democracy power is in the hands not only of a minority but of the whole 

people" (Thucydides, 145, 37, 3-5). Athens was the only city who had democracy, they had 

freedom talk, and it was not like other cities that only a few people could give the opinions on 

government, but the whole people could do so in Athens. However, this gave the people enough 

space to consider how the city is going to settle down.

  The laws and rules brought the Athenians life and settled them peacefully, how they lived 

with freedom while following all the laws and acting appropriate behaviors. private lives: but in 

public affairs we keep to the law. This is because it commands our deep respect” (Thucydides, 

145, 37, 16-18). Thucydides describes how the Athenians could be respectful to their city and 

government, following the laws with no complaints and living with freedom without any 

inappropriate behaviors were part of those people's life. This is how the citizens were faithful on 

the government and showed their city with great respect and polite. The Athenians' public 

behavior is something people should learn from as well, people nowadays are being rude in front 

of public and saying bad words without thinking how others would feel, from Athens, you could 

learn a lot of good behaviors. Secondly, do not think that their life was strict and full of unhappy, 

the "freedom" also gave them space to have fun and entertainment. "When our work is over, we 

are in a position to enjoy all kinds of reaction for our spirits”(Thucydides, 146, 38, 1-2), it means 

that the citizens could have a lot of choices, they could have their private space to do anything 

that would help their spirit of life when their work is done. Another important thing is that while 

they were having a lot of fun, they never forgot to obey the laws and played by the rules, this 

showed how their governmental system had its dignity and how the Athenians were loyal to their 

government. "Our love of what is beautiful not lead to extravagance" (Thucydides, 147, 40, 1), 

what Thucydides means by that is how the Athenians were modest and were not driven greed by 

the fancy materials but lived their lives normal and simple. This supports the idea of how Athens 

was keep going in the right direction; the "right direction" means honest and modest. Athens was 

an independent city: they did not copy any governmental systems or anything else from other 

cities, all the time they were being the best and giving the best to the citizens, Athens was the one 

who has been a great model to other cities and gained knowledge from around the world.

  "It is more the case of our being a model to others, than of our imitating anyone

else” (Thucydides, 145, 37, 2-3).Athenians thought of themselves as a great model to other cities 

instead of copying any cultures from others. The way of their life affected many cities thus those 

cities wanted to have the same way of living as Athens, and this good feedbacks brought Athens 

a good reputation. Thucydides also said: “Then the greatness of our city brings it about that all 

good things … local products” (Thucydides, 146, 38, 5-8). The great Athens gained different 

knowledge, cultural products from around the world, and because of that they could have all 

those things as their owns, to be more specific, because they were open to the world, they meant 

to learn and buy new things, when they had all those things together, Athenians enjoyed the 

products  just like enjoy their own local products. Another quote of evidence is "We make friends 

by doing good to others, not by receiving good from them” (Thucydides, 147, 40, 24-25). Athens 

made friends from all over the world, making friends was also an important part to be successful. 

They collected cultural products, but how would they do that? One thinks that is they could be 

trusted, they did good to others and didn't expect any goods from others, they were giving all the 

time and being nice to all the people, this action could gain trust from the other cities and people, 

they put trust into people's mind and built the business bridges with other countries, and those 

reliable and trustful friendships would last forever, and because of that, Athens could have 

variety products and enjoyed them as their owns.

        Athens brought a great amount of positive aspects to Greece, as what Thucydides said 

before, what made Athens great was their way of life, the governmental system and how they 

were being a commendable model to other cities. In this article, Thucydides uses a bunch of 

evidences to prove that idea which is “What made Athens great?” For the first one it was more 

focus on the democracy, the government and the laws, and how efficient they were. In the second 

section, it is more interesting to talk more about the way of Athenians’ life, because they enjoyed 

freedom while they were following the laws. For the last main point, what has been explained 

about is how Athens was a great model to others instead of copying any cultural systems from 

other cities, also, Thucydides talked about how they were open to the world as well, and that is 

included in this essay. Nowadays, countries from all over world have democracy, but compare to 

the ancient one, modern democracy has a lot of differences no matter on the aspect of 

participation or judges, it is because Athenian democracy was exclusive. Therefore, in the future, 

the readers would like to know more about how modern democracy is based on the ancient one, 

and how they are different as well.thens brought a great amount of positive aspects to Greece, as what Thucydides said 

before, what made Athens great was their way of life, the governmental system and how they 

were being a commendable model to other cities. In this article, Thucydides uses a bunch of 

evidences to prove that idea which is “What made Athens great?” For the first one it was more 
YU 5

focus on the democracy, the government and the laws, and how efficient they were. In the second 

section, it is more interesting to talk more about the way of Athenians’ life, because they enjoyed 

freedom while they were following the laws. For the last main point, what has been explained 

about is how Athens was a great model to others instead of copying any cultural systems from 

other cities, also, Thucydides talked about how they were open to the world as well, and that is 

included in this essay. Nowadays, countries from all over world have democracy, but compare to 

the ancient one, modern democracy has a lot of differences no matter on the aspect of 

participation or judges, it is because Athenian democracy was exclusive. Therefore, in the future, 

the readers would like to know more about how modern democracy is based on the ancient one, 

and how they are different as well.

                                                             Works Cited Page

  (Thucydides, 144, 36, 5-6)

  (Thucydides, 145, 36, 10-13)

  (Thucydides, 145, 37, 16-18)

  (Thucydides, 145, 36, 10-13)

  (Thucydides, 146, 38, 1-2)

  (Thucydides, 147, 40, 1)

  (Thucydides, 145, 37, 2-3)

  (Thucydides, 146, 38, 5-8)

  (Thucydides, 147, 40, 24-25) 

  Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War, Rex Warner - translator , Penguin Books, 1972, 

New York


  Scarr, Phil. "The Masses: Towards an Athenian Democracy in America." : Towards an Athenian 

Democracy in America. The Masses, 18 Apr. 2011. Web. 3 Feb. 2015. 


"Spirit of Athens * Athens, Alabma." Spirit of Athens * Athens, Alabma. Web. 3 Feb. 2015. 


"- Web Development." RSM Web Development. R.S.M. Wed Development. Web. 3 Feb. 2015. 


"Parthenon Marbles Petition." THE POWER IS IN OUR HANDS. International Organising 

Committee. Web. 3 Feb. 2015. <http://www.parthenonmarblesaustralia.org.au/marblespetition/>.


  Petri, Mike. "Time Travelling for Democracy: Athenian Democracy vs. American 

Democracy."YouTubeYouTube, 2 Aug. 2013. Web. 3 Feb. 2015. <https://www.youtube.com/watch?


