
Thoughts and reflections on the Socrates-Apology

Agnes Yu

Ms. Mitchell

World History 1

Feb. 16. 2015

     Socrates himself thought that there is a lot of people wiser than he does, but he was confused

about why god thinks that he is the wisest person, thus what he did is, he talked to a lot of people that

has a good reputation in the aspect of wisdom, but he found out that all of them were not as perfect

and wise as what people think. I think he is wise and intelligent from the motivation that he was

trying to see whether the person is truly wise or not. He detected people by having a conversation

with them. Also, being aware of his ability is also a way to show that he is wise, one of his famous

quotes is"I do not think that I know what I do not know". What he is trying to say is that he never

pretends that he know something that he actually does not understand at all. People sometimes fake

their wisdom by lying about how they know everything but the truth is they don't. So that is why he

possesses wisdom.

    Socrates is one of the greatest persons in the world, he is valuable to society, especially to the

ancient young ones. He taught the young people about a lot of things that they are interested in, those

people thought that what they learn from Socrates are special and they can tell their friends and

people around them to show how wise they became, but those people who always listened to the

young people's talking were annoyed, that is why the "audiences" hated Socrates. Why the people

except for the young ones were annoyed by Socrates is because he is wise and full of knowledge,but

they don't have this ability and this kind of wisdom, so they jealous, jealous about why themselves

don't understand Socrates's methods, if their abilities and wisdom don't equal to Socrate's, they have

one way that is all stick together and fight against Socrates and his methods. But what Socrates was

doing is teaching the young people about the real and useful things, these were really important,

because once the new generation learnt good things, they can devote to the society in the future and

this is one thing that a seventy year-old man could not do.

     Socrates does believe in god but he didn't really support it. He said that the god thinks Socrates

which is himself as the wisest the person, but he doesn't support that idea and that is why he went to

talk to a lot of "wiser" men. But in Athens, everyone believed in god and he's ability. How could he

not believe in him since that's everyone else does.

     What Socrates tried to explain about "Plain speaking" is telling the truths when you find out them,

not adding any personal opinions on it and then tell people about the fake truths. It is the simplest

speaking, just said what you saw, what you know, and do not add anything, and the truth is going to

help him to defend for himself as if he is in a bad position among all the people.

    What Socrates did is to teach the young people about what they are interested in. They found that

what Socrates was teaching is interesting and attractive, and that is why they wanted to know more,

to learn more. Socrates didn't intentionally have a bad influence on the young is because he didn't

force the kids to learn anything, and what he was teaching about is what the kids wanted to know


