
Thoughts and Reflections on The Two Thousand Years War

YU 1

Agnes Yu

Period 7

World History

02 / 06 / 15

Basically, the Cold War was the war between America and Russia during the World War 

Two. It is more likely to be said an arm race and a war without using any weapons, it is like a 

political war.

One says that the Cold War is extremely similar to the Peloponnesian War, in this case, 

the Athens would refer to America and Sparta would be Russia. But why are they similar? 

Firstly, it is because that neither America and Athens have democracy, they are championing 

democracy. For Sparta and Russia, people are more likely to say that they are more agricultural 

and authoritarian. Furthermore, both of the two wars are fought indirectly, peripherally and 

spasmodically. Also, no matter America, Russia, Athens or Sparta, they all were allies. The 

nations threatened other states to be one of them, to help them with the war and stand by their 

sides, they were asking for the help of many other countries.

What could America and Russia learn that it is more helpful if they gained trust from the 

citizens, both of them were trying to find allies to join them and help them to fight, therefore, they 

should have won people’s trust in the first place and be confident. Also, using army and military 

strength to help to force nations become part of them is not really a good way to gain their trust, 

people would just think that you are forcing them to help you to fight, thus this two nations 

should think about the results of using military strength before they tried to use it to gain allies.

It is really important to not made the same mistakes that others have already made, 

when people made mistakes, usually it caused consequences, and when you see what people 

should pay for those consequences, you can also see how people are losing valuable things 

and become little weight, especially for a nation, which gathers a great amount of people, 

when you already seen what are the bad effects, and if you still repeat that mistake, the whole 

nation is going to pay for that consequence, and it is unworthy to cause more pain.

History is a great method to help us nowadays, when we see things that happened in the past, for 

the good part, we can learn from it and improve our nations, for the bad part, we should 

gained experiences and warn ourselves do not make the same mistakes which caused a lot of 

prices. A great leader such as the president of a country, if he learnt from history, he could know 

what to do and what not to do, he could make protections to his people and prevent wars and 

arguments with other nations that once happened before.

