
Thoughts and Reflections on the History of the Peloponnesian War

Agnes Yu

Period 7 World History

01 / 13 / 15

  What was the Thucydides' method of recording history? From the reading, we can know that while

 keeping actually used, to make the speakers say what, he thinks it was called for by each situation.

Also, with the regard to his factual reporting of the events of the war, he have made it a principle not

to write down the first story that came his way. Additional, he thinks his history will seem less easy to

read because it's lack a romantic element. He also thinks that his work has done to last forever.

  He wrote those stories to let the whole world to know what  happened in the past, the stories are

for the scholars as well, to those who wants to know about the past. Also, to wrote down what

happened in the war to remind us whom were the people in the war, what did they do? And why?

