
Digital Scrapbook Entry#6 - China

Agnes Yu


01 / 11 / 15
                            "Foot-binding" in the ancient time compares to nowadays
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  In ancient China, food-binding was a normal thing that happened to all the women. They bound 

their feet at the age of six. They  needed to suffer from this painful custom. Some women even 

thought that it's a beautiful and acceptable thing. The feet were binding with the cloth and after a long 

time they would become really tiny. People needed to make beautiful shoes for those feet, and the 

women needed to practise how to walk with their's uncomfortable feet.
In ancient China, women and men thought that tiny feet are beautiful. They thought that they can 

wear something that is fancy and beautiful. Also, people at that time imagined that women have tiny 

feet can walk lightly or dance on special surface such as lotus leaf.
Foot-binding ended in 1949, Western countries opposed this painful thing. And by the control of Mao 

ZeDong, Foot-Binding thoroughly out of China, but in those far away countrysides, there're still a 

few people doing foot-binding. Nowadays, no matter girls or women, their feet can grow normally 

just like other people in this world. They can buy big shoes and a lot of girls in China wearing size 9 

or 10 shoes or even larger. 

The food-binding custom no more exists in China nowadays, this is a dark history in ancient China 

even though a lot of Chinese women were proud about this traditional thing and how lucky they have 

experienced that. It's a good thing that you don't have to do foot-binding anymore, your feet grow 

well and no need to suffer from anything:)

