
Thoughts and Reflections on Mother Cow.

Agnes Yu
World History1 Period 7
Thoughts and Reflections on: Mother Cow
Source of the article: Cows, Pigs, Wars and witches.

Big questions:What are all of the functions served by cows in India? What does the author of the

piece feel is the real reason cows are said to be sacred in India? How do we in America procure the

same services that cows provide to people in India? Whose way is more environmentally friendly?

Who uses their cows more efficiently, Americans or Indians?

  Cows are really important in India, it provides so many essential functions and Indians people live

base on them. Cows are the symbol of everything that is alive. Farmers treat the cows are their family

members and they even pray for the sick cows.  Oxen is made by cows, even though its rare and less

than cows, oxen is still a  really important animal in agriculture, it helps the peasants to plow India's

fields. And cows provide milk for people although they are not provide lots of them. Cow dung has

different types of function. Indians people have less kerosene and fuel, so they use the dung from the

cows for making heat and fire and cook meals. And it takes a long time so it doesn't scorch the food.

In addition, people in India often mix water and cow dung together into paste and use them for

household flooring material.

  In the USA, people use tractors instead of animals when they are doing farming things and plow.

The author thinks that why cows are important and sacred is not because they worship cows but

because they can't afford to but tractors. In India, people can't build factories that are competitive and

they are unable to pay for those farming products. So Indians want to raise cheap animals and benefit


  There're loads of American families live in farm and they keep cows for getting milk and do other

things, but when plowing, they can use tractors instead of cows, but cows are still a part of their

farming, Americans can actually gain the same functions that cows bring to India. They can have

milk, they can use cows for farming or sell them for money.

  The way that Indians people use cows for plowing is more environmentally friendly, it's natural and

it doesn't have any pollution affects to environment. But if people use tractors, it actually brings

poisonous pollution and in my opinion, chemical fertilizers are not alway good.

  From my personal perspective and my conclusion from the article, I think Indians use cows more

efficiently, they use cows in so many ways because cows are so important to them thus they must

keep them as holy animals and can't kill or eat them. They know what way is more convenient to use

cows for plowing, and when they cows would't provide milk anymore they know how to sell them.

And the untouchables have their own way to get food, they eat the cows which dead and send to

slaughterhouse to be sold to Muslims or Christians. Indians people manage the cows in so many ways

that other countries are not actually do it. So you can see how important are cows are.

