
Chinese Philosophy Activity

Because of Confucius, ancient China started to have Confucianism, and it's the most profound impact 

in China.He failed at philosophy so he became and teacher and had a lot of followers. He didn't care 

about the creations and what happened before human species appeared. He cares about Family, 

Friends, government and society.

 Lao Tzu, he's the symbol of Taoism. He's a religion instead of a social practice. The Taoism includes

the worship of nature and be in  one of the nature, they believe people after death will become one of

nature. It's the natural order. The Yin and Yang are the symbols of Taoism,  and the 5 agents are:

Wood, Earth, Metal, Water and Fire.
 Han-Fei is the leader of Legalism, Legalism believes in laws and it's the collective name given to

number of schools of practical political theory. The laws should be written and publish thus people

should follow the laws. Shu is Method, it makes the rulers to make sure that no one takes over the

control of the state. Shi is the Power, it means the control of the power.
The buddha , is the symbol of Buddhism. , Buddhism is a nontheistic religion that encompasses a

variety of traditions, beliefs.

1): Confucianism: Friends, Family, government and society. It's a social practice.

2): Buddhism: People are reborn after death. Also, it teaches the way to make people calm when they    

                         become full of anger.
3): Legalism: Everything should follow the Laws and has its orders.

4): Taoism: Yin and Yang, everything has two sides, Taoism believes in natural order and nature, they

                     believe people after death will be in one of nature.

1): What is the difference between a religion and a philosophy?
     Religion is something that you have to believe in, but philosophy is more like a knowledge thing,

and you can have your own opinions about it and argue it, you don't have to 100% believe it.

2): Confucianism and Legalism are philosophies, they're the thoughts and ideas that came from a

person and the person spread out their's opinions and later they started to have followers, they are the

ideas about society. Buddhism and Taoism are religions, they appeared with no reasons and have a lot

of followers that those who are the followers must believe in their religions.

