
Greek Orthodox Church - East

Agnes Yu

May 4, 2015

World History 1

  Over the centuries, no matter the Eastern or Western Church became more distant and isolated. They 

both accepted the validity of each other's orders and sacred things. However, Catholics in West wasn't

allow to receive holy communion in Orthodox Churches in the East, and Orthodox could't receive

holy communion in Catholic Churches. Another difference is Roman Catholic services were 

conducted in Latin, but Roman Catholic services were major in native languages. In Rome, Catholic 

priests cannot be married, but Eastern Orthodox priests can be married before ordination. Furthermore, 

in the west, Pope was headed the Roman Catholic Church, it controlled a certain amount of churches, 

and it could mack decisions over smaller sectors of the church. In east, the Greek Orthodox Church, it 

didn't recognized the power of Pope.

  They rise to power because of Constantine, he received a vision from god, then he converted to 

Catholicism to win military victories. Rome empire was huge, because of its size, the religion was well 

established. The Roman Catholic Church was headway among the aristocracy. Moreover, people with 

money which involved in commerce, cities grew, and new monastic orders arose.


Digital Scrapbook Entry# 8 Rome

Agnes Yu

 World History

May 1, 2015
        Social Class in Ancient Rome and Modern Times

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Social class refers to particular level in such a hierarchy. No matter in ancient times or nowadays, 

social class has always existed. In ancient Rome, the social class defined who you are; what you 

suppose to do, what you are not suppose do, whom you should work for, and it also relates to the 

freedom you had in ancient Rome. However, it is the same thing and has the same definition in 

modern times, such as, the United States. The social class plays an important role in the society of the 

The society in Rome was hierarchical, everything had a level and it defined who you are and what 

role you are playing in the society. There were slaves, which were in the lower class, there was 

middle class and upper class. And of course, the higher position you have, the easier your life is. 

Also,  Plebeian and Patricians are the two terms that were using in ancient Rome to describe the 

lower class and the upper class.

Furthermore, let's talk about what each class could do in ancient Rome. In ancient Roman hierarchy, 

if you were born in Rome had the roman blood, and owned numerous property and wealth, you were 

definitely going under the category of Upper Class. Having slaves were like the symbol of the Upper 

Class, and the girls were married very young. For the Lower Class, there were the commons, the 

freed people and slaves, the commons were able to marry another Roman citizen and had kids. The 

freed people were once slaves to the Rome and got their freedom for some reasons. The slaves were 

the property of the owners, their freedom was controlled by their masters.
Social class also existing in the United States, the majority of population are in the Lower, middle and 

the working class, most of them need to work and gain money to support their families or themselves. 

The population of the Upper Class is off balance, the people who are defined as the Upper Class, 

most of them are celebrities, heirs and politicians. And of course, it is not easy to become a celebrity 

to live an easier life. The lower class is defined as the poor, they gained a certain amount of support in 

a lot of aspects from the government, some of them couldn't even find and jobs, and those who got 

jobs are the low-paid ones. People in the lower class, they are homeless, didn't finish high school and 

lack of medical care. They don't have enough food and clothing. Similar to ancient Rome, the lower 

class were majority slaves that could't find jobs and being as the property of the masters.

No matter how things have changed, time has changed, there is also a thing called the Social Class to 

help the society to define the roles of its people. The good examples for that are ancient Rome and the 

United States. And after all, I wish the government could care more about the 

lower class people, because most of them are working really hard everyday just to survive, they 

should provide more chances to them. For us, we should value everything that we have right now 

because a lot of people outside that we don't know are starving and having a lot of troubles.



Emperor Vitellius and Otho

Agnes Yu

World History 1 

Period  7 

April 13th, 2015



- 8th Emperor of  the Roman Empire

- Vitellius was born in AD 15. Vittelius' father, Lucius Vitellius, three times held the office of consul as well as once being the emperor's fellow censor.

-Vitellius himself became consul in AD 48 and later became proconsul of Africa in about AD 61-2.

-Vitellius was a Roman Emperor for eight months from April 16  to December 22 , 69 AD

- Vitellius was proclaimed emperor following the quick succession of the previous emperors Galba and Otho, in a year of civil war known as the Year of the Four Emperors

Despite his short reign he made two important contributions to Roman government which outlasted him.

-Vitellius ended the practice of Centurions selling furloughs and exemptions of duty to their men, a change Tacitus describes as being adopted by 'all good emperors'.

-He also expanded the offices of the Imperial Administration beyond the imperial pool of Freedmen allowing those of the Equites to take up positions in the Imperial Civil Service

He was the second emperor of the Year of the Four Emperors. But he only lasted for three months.

- He was born at April 25th. His father was Lucius Otho

- He died at April 16th at the age of 36

- Otho was a friend of Nero, and his wife, Poppaea Sabina, became Nero's mistress. 

- He joined the revolt of Galba against Nero, but on Galba's accession Otho formed a conspiracy.

- Otho had entertained hopes of being adopted by Galba whom he had helped, but then turned against Galba.

- Otho inherits the war that Vitellius had launched against Galba; the army of Vitellius defeats the soldiers of Otho near Cremona;

- He was ambitions and greedy, tried to pacify Vitellius but failed.

- His major effect to Rome is that he overthrew the Emperor Galba

- Otho commits suicide.


Back Cover


Vitellius was the third of the four emperors who ruled the Roman Empire in the year 69 CE. One of his predecessors, Galba, who had replaced the fallen Emperor Nero, was murdered by the Praetorian Guard for failing to keep promises to those who had put him in power.  Emperor Otho, Galba’s successor, committed suicide before the imposing armies of Vitellius reached Rome.  He had chosen to sacrifice his own life instead of those of his men. Vitellius, like the previous two occupants of the throne, would not remain in power long.

In July 69, Vitellius learned that the armies of the eastern provinces had proclaimed a rival emperor; their commander, Titus Flavius Vespasianus. As soon as it was known that the armies of the East, Dalmatia, and Illyricum had declared for Vespasianus, Vitellius, deserted by many of his adherents, would have resigned the title of emperor.



Digital scrapbook entry#7 Greece

                                                                              Agnes Yu

April 7, 2015

Period 7 - World History

Ms. Mitchell

The effects that Greek architecture have brought to today

Link 1)
Link 2)

          Architecture is part of the world now, it determines the appearance of a city, or a country. The 

origin of Greek architecture was massive and amazed. Greece has so many mysterious things such as 

art, literature, etc, and one of the most famous, world-known ones is its architecture. It has brought 

certain influences to today's architecture, a lot of European buildings are similar to the ancient Greece 

buildings, not only Europe, the world is doing the same thing. Today, we are going to talk about the 

famous "columns".

The Doric Column

      The doric column is the earliest column that developed in ancient Greece. Actually all the 

columns look similar when you put them all together because all of them have shapes. However, the 

doric column is the simplest one, it looks neat and plain. 

      The doric columns are seeing everywhere in Washington DC nowadays. A lot of buildings in DC 

are using the doric columns for reference. They look simple but well designed, everything seems 

organized in the doric columns. However, not everyone knows the fact that Washington DC is 

actually a good example of how this column can create a symbolic memorial to a fallen leader.
The Ionic Column

    Next we are going to see the Ionic Column, it is clearer in its shapes, it is slender than the earlier 

doric style. The shapes are more complex and it looks not only neat and organized but more beautiful 

and creative.

     The example of the Ionic Column is the Oslo Trading Building in Norway. As you can see in this 

picture, the Ionic columns are like the wind shape which rolled toward inside. It makes the whole 

building look more creative and pretty, it has the function of attracting the visitors because of its 


The Corinthian Column

      The last type of column that I'm going to introduce about is the Corinthian Column, no matter 

from its outside appearance or design, it is way more complex and beautiful than the other two 

columns. Its shapes contain flower's shapes, it looks more natural. The Corinthian Column is also 

more elaborate as well.

       This is an example of the Corinthian Column at the Fontana di Trevi in Rome, the whole 

architecture became more grandeur when they put the Corinthian Column design on it. It looks 

fancier than the others. Also, it gives people a feeling that they are in ancient times because 

everything looks so vintage. The Corinthian Column makes the buildings look so much better and 


      These are the three main types of columns that developed in Greek that I want to introduce. 

There's a process of them, as you can see in the picture, with the time past, they became more well-

designed, complex, and beautiful. Greek has gave us a wonderful gift that we are still able to use 

today that is the architecture, the ancient columns provided so many ideas to the architects nowadays 

and made our city more attractive and prettier because of the columns that we've used.



Brian Williams Trail - News Team Video - Defense

Agnes Yu

World History

Ms. Mitchell

March 2 2015

Modern Day Socrates - Brian Williams

Agnes Yu

World History 1

Ms. Mitchell

March 2nd 2015

                                                   Modern Day Socrates

       After having the trail, people cognized how Brian Williams have been a character that is

similar to Socrates. The way that people define him as "the modern Socrates" is because that he

was accused by corrupting people's mind. Same to Socrates, the youth was teaching by him, and

they found a great interests in listening to Socrates' stories. However, this became a charge of

how Socrates corrupted the youth. At this point, Brian William and Socrates have a great

common that they both have accused by corrupting people's mind.

       Brian Williams was also accused by how he has used false memories to lie in front of the

public, as an anchor, the biggest thing that he shouldn't do is to lie to the people and give them

false information. Why we said that they both have a common is because both of these two

characters have been charged by giving people incorrect information, to Socrates, the "incorrect

information" is more likely to be teaching the youth incorrect knowledge. However, these two

men both have the negative effects to the society, they gained no trust from the public and the

things that they were doing have accused by the citizens - that is corrupting the public.

       Nowadays, people still using Socrates to compare with a lot of public personages as a

warning of not doing bad things to affect the society that we are living.


Thoughts and reflections on the Socrates-Apology

Agnes Yu

Ms. Mitchell

World History 1

Feb. 16. 2015

     Socrates himself thought that there is a lot of people wiser than he does, but he was confused

about why god thinks that he is the wisest person, thus what he did is, he talked to a lot of people that

has a good reputation in the aspect of wisdom, but he found out that all of them were not as perfect

and wise as what people think. I think he is wise and intelligent from the motivation that he was

trying to see whether the person is truly wise or not. He detected people by having a conversation

with them. Also, being aware of his ability is also a way to show that he is wise, one of his famous

quotes is"I do not think that I know what I do not know". What he is trying to say is that he never

pretends that he know something that he actually does not understand at all. People sometimes fake

their wisdom by lying about how they know everything but the truth is they don't. So that is why he

possesses wisdom.

    Socrates is one of the greatest persons in the world, he is valuable to society, especially to the

ancient young ones. He taught the young people about a lot of things that they are interested in, those

people thought that what they learn from Socrates are special and they can tell their friends and

people around them to show how wise they became, but those people who always listened to the

young people's talking were annoyed, that is why the "audiences" hated Socrates. Why the people

except for the young ones were annoyed by Socrates is because he is wise and full of knowledge,but

they don't have this ability and this kind of wisdom, so they jealous, jealous about why themselves

don't understand Socrates's methods, if their abilities and wisdom don't equal to Socrate's, they have

one way that is all stick together and fight against Socrates and his methods. But what Socrates was

doing is teaching the young people about the real and useful things, these were really important,

because once the new generation learnt good things, they can devote to the society in the future and

this is one thing that a seventy year-old man could not do.

     Socrates does believe in god but he didn't really support it. He said that the god thinks Socrates

which is himself as the wisest the person, but he doesn't support that idea and that is why he went to

talk to a lot of "wiser" men. But in Athens, everyone believed in god and he's ability. How could he

not believe in him since that's everyone else does.

     What Socrates tried to explain about "Plain speaking" is telling the truths when you find out them,

not adding any personal opinions on it and then tell people about the fake truths. It is the simplest

speaking, just said what you saw, what you know, and do not add anything, and the truth is going to

help him to defend for himself as if he is in a bad position among all the people.

    What Socrates did is to teach the young people about what they are interested in. They found that

what Socrates was teaching is interesting and attractive, and that is why they wanted to know more,

to learn more. Socrates didn't intentionally have a bad influence on the young is because he didn't

force the kids to learn anything, and what he was teaching about is what the kids wanted to know
