
Digital scrapbook entry#7 Greece

                                                                              Agnes Yu

April 7, 2015

Period 7 - World History

Ms. Mitchell

The effects that Greek architecture have brought to today

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          Architecture is part of the world now, it determines the appearance of a city, or a country. The 

origin of Greek architecture was massive and amazed. Greece has so many mysterious things such as 

art, literature, etc, and one of the most famous, world-known ones is its architecture. It has brought 

certain influences to today's architecture, a lot of European buildings are similar to the ancient Greece 

buildings, not only Europe, the world is doing the same thing. Today, we are going to talk about the 

famous "columns".

The Doric Column

      The doric column is the earliest column that developed in ancient Greece. Actually all the 

columns look similar when you put them all together because all of them have shapes. However, the 

doric column is the simplest one, it looks neat and plain. 

      The doric columns are seeing everywhere in Washington DC nowadays. A lot of buildings in DC 

are using the doric columns for reference. They look simple but well designed, everything seems 

organized in the doric columns. However, not everyone knows the fact that Washington DC is 

actually a good example of how this column can create a symbolic memorial to a fallen leader.
The Ionic Column

    Next we are going to see the Ionic Column, it is clearer in its shapes, it is slender than the earlier 

doric style. The shapes are more complex and it looks not only neat and organized but more beautiful 

and creative.

     The example of the Ionic Column is the Oslo Trading Building in Norway. As you can see in this 

picture, the Ionic columns are like the wind shape which rolled toward inside. It makes the whole 

building look more creative and pretty, it has the function of attracting the visitors because of its 


The Corinthian Column

      The last type of column that I'm going to introduce about is the Corinthian Column, no matter 

from its outside appearance or design, it is way more complex and beautiful than the other two 

columns. Its shapes contain flower's shapes, it looks more natural. The Corinthian Column is also 

more elaborate as well.

       This is an example of the Corinthian Column at the Fontana di Trevi in Rome, the whole 

architecture became more grandeur when they put the Corinthian Column design on it. It looks 

fancier than the others. Also, it gives people a feeling that they are in ancient times because 

everything looks so vintage. The Corinthian Column makes the buildings look so much better and 


      These are the three main types of columns that developed in Greek that I want to introduce. 

There's a process of them, as you can see in the picture, with the time past, they became more well-

designed, complex, and beautiful. Greek has gave us a wonderful gift that we are still able to use 

today that is the architecture, the ancient columns provided so many ideas to the architects nowadays 

and made our city more attractive and prettier because of the columns that we've used.


