
Digital Scrapbook Entry #5 -India

                                                                                                                                                           Yu 1
Agnes Yu

Period 7

World History          

12 / 12 / 14  

           " How does the Ganges River functioning in ancient India and bringing negative aspects to India nowadays."

Link 1: http://www.thewaterpage.com/ganges.htm

Link 2: http://www.all-about-india.com/Ganges-River-Pollution.html

  The Ganges River is such an important river to India and Indian people. A lot of things started there:

people have businesses through this river, they washed their clothes in this river, they swim in this

river and have bath in the Ganges River, Indian people think that this is sacred to have a shower in

this river, because they thought the water is holy and they could wash away the bad things and gained

spiritual improvements. It meant a lot to India but as the time past, The Ganges River has been

polluted and people don't pay attention to its environment, it caused the situation that the river

became dirty today.

  In the ancient India (and even in the modern times) , India has provided so many important

functions to India, for thousands of years, this river has been essential to sustain millions of people. It 

provides life resources for a great amount of people, the river sustain millions of farmers, its 

tributaries provide the water source for the major cities and so many Indian people live depend on the 

river. Some people even have their business through the Ganges River, they got up very early each 

morning and washed clothes for a lot of people, at night they dried them and delivery to those people, 

and these business men got paid after that. That's how they make money, money is important because 

they depend on them to raise the family, therefore, you can see how necessary the Ganges River is for 

those people.

But nowadays, people who lives in India didn't realize to protect the River, to them, the river is more than 

just a river, it's like a mother that provides live hoods for people. But recently, the river has been 

suffering great pollution which damages it a lot. People poured the bone ashes in the river and it 

became so dirty but their's still so many people having bathes everyday thus it makes the Ganges river 

even worse.

  As a conclusion, the Ganges River has provided so much valuable functions to people, some Hindus 

believe that life is incomplete without bathing in this river, they think that the water can cleanse a 

person's soul of all past sins and that it can also cure the ill, so people even drink it. From my opinion, people 

from now should start to protect the river, it's their "mother", and if one day they lose the river, India will be in a 

great danger, people will start to lost their jobs and the spiritual people will become less faithful. Thus it's 

important that people much have the ideas to protect the Ganges River since it's really necessary.

