Agnes Yu
May 4, 2015
World History 1
Over the centuries, no matter the Eastern or Western Church became more distant and isolated. They
both accepted the validity of each other's orders and sacred things. However, Catholics in West wasn't
allow to receive holy communion in Orthodox Churches in the East, and Orthodox could't receive
holy communion in Catholic Churches. Another difference is Roman Catholic services were
conducted in Latin, but Roman Catholic services were major in native languages. In Rome, Catholic
priests cannot be married, but Eastern Orthodox priests can be married before ordination. Furthermore,
in the west, Pope was headed the Roman Catholic Church, it controlled a certain amount of churches,
and it could mack decisions over smaller sectors of the church. In east, the Greek Orthodox Church, it
didn't recognized the power of Pope.
They rise to power because of Constantine, he received a vision from god, then he converted to
Catholicism to win military victories. Rome empire was huge, because of its size, the religion was well
established. The Roman Catholic Church was headway among the aristocracy. Moreover, people with
money which involved in commerce, cities grew, and new monastic orders arose.