
Brian Williams Trail - News Team Video - Defense

Agnes Yu

World History

Ms. Mitchell

March 2 2015

Modern Day Socrates - Brian Williams

Agnes Yu

World History 1

Ms. Mitchell

March 2nd 2015

                                                   Modern Day Socrates

       After having the trail, people cognized how Brian Williams have been a character that is

similar to Socrates. The way that people define him as "the modern Socrates" is because that he

was accused by corrupting people's mind. Same to Socrates, the youth was teaching by him, and

they found a great interests in listening to Socrates' stories. However, this became a charge of

how Socrates corrupted the youth. At this point, Brian William and Socrates have a great

common that they both have accused by corrupting people's mind.

       Brian Williams was also accused by how he has used false memories to lie in front of the

public, as an anchor, the biggest thing that he shouldn't do is to lie to the people and give them

false information. Why we said that they both have a common is because both of these two

characters have been charged by giving people incorrect information, to Socrates, the "incorrect

information" is more likely to be teaching the youth incorrect knowledge. However, these two

men both have the negative effects to the society, they gained no trust from the public and the

things that they were doing have accused by the citizens - that is corrupting the public.

       Nowadays, people still using Socrates to compare with a lot of public personages as a

warning of not doing bad things to affect the society that we are living.